Because sometimes a bottle of wine isn't enough

Monday, March 22, 2010

The woman I am

There must be something about growing older that makes one contemplative, and anxious and paranoid. Or, it could just be a result of being in graduate school for 10 years, with no end in sight. Either way, ever since I turned 29 last month, I have been thinking about the woman I am.

"What a strange thing to think about," said my mother, over the phone. "You are my smart, strong daughter, that's what you are," she added forcefully. That was the end of the conversation, but I could not stop wondering - how did I come to be the woman I am?

This blog is part of my effort to find the answer. It is not a blog about the ephemeral nor is it about the deep, and the profound. It is also not about the philosophical questions of "life, the universe and everything" (the answer to which, of course is 42). This blog is about the women and men who shaped my world view. It is about the people, and things, that influenced the way I view myself as a human being and as a woman. It is about the women and men, who directly or indirectly, for the good and for the bad, helped me become the woman I am.

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